Robert Oster Marathon Blue Bottled Ink 50ml - InkJournal Exclusive

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A marathon is run one step at a time. A book is written one word at a time. A career is built by showing up one day at a time. As the Ink Flight program reaches its 60th monthly box shipment, InkJournal cordially invites you to celebrate this milestone with an exclusive ink from Robert Oster Signature.

What color does one pick for the 5th anniversary? Traditionally, the color for a 5th wedding anniversary is turquoise. And, I do love turquoise. So, I asked Robert to brew a light, multi-chromatic blue ink. Because we couldn't just have any ordinary turquoise, right?

By Robert's description, this ink has "dark blue edging, pale aquarian shadows, yellow-green clouds, and clear turquoise backwash." It's light in saturation and shades nicely while being easy to read. Bright, optimistic, and harmonious.

In addition to commemorating 5 years of Ink Flight boxes, this ink also celebrates a personal milestone. It is named "Marathon Blue" after the successful completion of my first marathon race (26.2 miles) 10 years ago.

You can read more about my marathon journey here.

Robert Oster Signature inks are produced in Australia with an emphasis on responsible production and overdelivering on quality.